Working with files in todays world is much different than before. Today getting files back and forth from the cloud or through email is relatively easy, unlike the early days when we used FTP sites and needed to encode our data to properly transfer. I remember using an FTP program on my old Mac called Fetch. We had to determine if the content was to be transferred as text or binary.

Picking the right encoding was critical to getting the content transferred correctly, this was even more critical when working with Macintosh files which needed a resource fork and/or finder attributes to work properly. In those cases a MacBinary or BinHex file was required! Fetch would automatically identify those formats and decode them for you.

If you need a refresher on MacBinary and AppleSingle, you can view my iPres 2022 presentation.

One format I didn’t spend much if any time on is the BinHex format. BinHex was a format born out of necessity to move files back and forth across the World Web Web, bulletin boards, AOL, Compuserve, and the like. The FTP program Fetch glossary describes BinHex as:

BinHex (sometimes called BinHex4) is a format for representing a Macintosh file in text form.

The Macintosh file is converted to a series of lines, each made up of letters, numbers, and

punctuation. Because BinHex files are simply text, they can be sent through most electronic mail

systems and stored on most computers. However the conversion to text makes the file larger, so it

takes longer to transmit a file in BinHex format than if the file was represented some other way.

The suffix “.hqx” usually indicates a BinHex format file.

You can still find many of these HQX files floating around the interwebs and on older CDs from the 1990’s. One such CD recently came into my possession. I managed to get a copy of the book “Internet File Formats“, by Tim Kientzie. It came with a CD-ROM with lots of goodies included. Some sample files, specifications, and software. The disc itself is an ISO 9660 partitioned disc, but includes a few Macintosh formats, so the author put many of the software files in the HQX format to maintain the much needed resource fork Macintosh applications need in order to run.

I initially ran the whole disc through DROID to get an idea what was on the disc and if any sample formats were unidentified (something I do regularly), and found majority of the HQX files didn’t identify as they should have to PRONOM PUID x-fmt/416. The signature is an older one, from 2010, but since the format isn’t updated anymore it should be solid. Or so I thought.

Since BINHEX files are encoded as text, lets take a look at a couple of these from the disc which didn’t identify.

The PRONOM signature currently is:

File extension: hqx	
Name	BinHex Binary Text
Description	Header: (This file must be converted with BinHex
Byte sequences	
Position type	Absolute from BOF
Offset	0	 
Value	28546869732066696C65206D75737420626520636F6E76657274656420776974682042696E486578

That “Value” listed in hexadecimal decodes to: “(This file must be converted with BinHex” as listed in the description. We can see this line in the file above, but the signature assumes the value begins at offset 0 from the beginning of the file. So its looking for that value at the start of the file, but this file seems to have some additional text before the value. What does the specs say?

The BinHex 4.0 format was created in 1985 and defined in RFC 1741.

   The whole file is considered as a stream of bits.  This stream will
   be divided in blocks of 6 bits and then converted to one of 64
   characters contained in a table.  The characters in this table have
   been chosen for maximum noise protection.  The format will start
   with a ":" (first character on a line) and end with a ":".
   There will be a maximum of 64 characters on a line.  It must be
   preceded, by this comment, starting in column 1 (it does not start
   in column 1 in this document):

    (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)

   Any text before this comment is to be ignored.

   The characters used is:

    !"#$%&'()*+,- 012345689@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVXYZ[`abcdefhijklmpqr

Ok, so in the specs we can see the “Value” string must be there, but according to the specification, any text before this comment is to be ignored. So adding some instructions and even an email header at the beginning is ok, as long as the value string is there right before the encoded data.

We also learn a couple interesting things. The first character of the first line after the string should be a “:” and the last line should end with a “:” as well. That could help make the signature more solid. We also learn there are a maximum of 64 characters per line. The last line will probably not have full maximum, but the previous lines should…. I wonder if we could use this fixed position from the initial “:” to add even more strength to the signature.

So an updated PRONOM signature might look like:

BOF: {0-4084}28546869732066696C65206D75737420626520636F6E76657274656420776974682042696E486578{6-9}3A

EOF: 3A (Max Offset 64)

Adding the 4,084 bytes at the beginning allow for additional text. This value worked for my samples but there could be others out there with more. The {6-9} bytes in between the string and the colon account for the various way newlines are encoded. Sometimes is one “0A” byte, other times it is “OD”, and others its both. After testing, adding values in the signature to account for the 64 byte line can fail if the file has only one line, so I left it out.

The EOF should just be the colon (3A), but I found many of my samples had various line endings and other random characters. Hence the 64 bytes for max offset.

Also, the current PRONOM entry doesn’t include the Mime-Type, which is: “application/mac-binhex40”

Hopefully this update will add some strength to the signature and follow the specification closer. The new signature even works on files with extra content at the beginning!

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is long-binhex-header.png

There are a number of software titles you can use to encode and decode a BinHex file. On a modern Mac, try using The Unarchiver, or Stuffit Expander. From the commandline, you can use the macutil library or the CLI version of Unarchiver. Although the MacOS has a built in utility to decode BinHex files. If you are using a classic version of Macintosh OS, you can find a number of utilities on Macintosh Garden.

Oh, and also, the CD-ROM I mentioned earlier has a few “fun” features. Not sure if they are on purpose or if errors were made during mastering, but a few filenames have some hidden extra characters and one folder puts any tool traversing the directory into a loop, even droid. Have fun!

Gone in a Flash

This week I am at the annual iPres digital preservation conference. It is an amazing week of meeting colleagues and old friends who share the same passion of digital preservation. Outside of this community and my co-workers, talking about file formats and digital preservation usually bores people to death and I can hear some of them mumble under their breath, “nerd”! I term I am happy to accept.

At the conference, which is in lovely Urbana-Champaign Illinois this year, I am trying to soak in all the amazing talks and conversations about the challenges facing our work. There were a couple great workshops on Persistent Identifiers and Digital Object Storage Criteria. The presentations I made were of course on File Formats, documentation, and obsolescence. One talk before my panel conversation was about the ubiquitous Adobe Flash format.

The paper, “Around for Decades, Gone in a Flash: How we dealt with Flash objects and the National Archives of the Netherlands” was presented by Lotte Wijsman and Marin Rappard. They knew they had flash objects in their web archives and wanted to go through the process of how they might be preserved and accessed. They started out looking for any files with “FLA”, “SWF”, and “FLV” as extensions. This proved problematic as there were references to those extensions within other documents and objects. They then used DROID to identify the flash formats. “SWF” has quite a number of format PUID’s.

PUIDFormat NameFormat VersionExtension
fmt/104Macromedia Flash1swf,
fmt/105Macromedia Flash2swf,
fmt/106Macromedia Flash3swf,
fmt/107Macromedia Flash4swf,
fmt/108Macromedia Flash5swf,
fmt/109Macromedia Flash6swf,
fmt/110Macromedia Flash7swf,
fmt/505Adobe Flash8swf,
fmt/506Adobe Flash9swf,
fmt/507Adobe Flash10swf,
fmt/757Adobe Flash11swf,
fmt/758Adobe Flash12swf,
fmt/759Adobe Flash13swf,
fmt/760Adobe Flash14swf,
fmt/761Adobe Flash15swf,
fmt/762Adobe Flash16swf,
fmt/763Adobe Flash17swf,
fmt/764Adobe Flash18swf,
fmt/765Adobe Flash19swf,
fmt/766Adobe Flash20swf,
fmt/767Adobe Flash21swf,
fmt/768Adobe Flash22swf,
fmt/769Adobe Flash23swf,
fmt/770Adobe Flash24swf,
fmt/771Adobe Flash25swf,
fmt/772Adobe Flash26swf,
fmt/773Adobe Flash27swf,
fmt/774Adobe Flash28swf,
fmt/775Adobe Flash29swf,
fmt/776Adobe Flash30swf,

Even the Macromedia/Adobe Flash Video format has a PRONOM PUID, x-fmt/382.

The format missing from PRONOM is the FLA format. FLA is the native format for Macromedia/Adobe Flash for saving the source project of your Flash document. SWF files are compiled from the FLA source. This means the the SWF will be the most common format found on the web and in public places, but the FLA format might be more often found on local drives and working folders.

The Flash format and software was actually created by Future Wave software in 1996 as FutureSplash Animator, but was shortly bought by Macromedia later that year and Flash 1.0 was born. FutureSplash used the extension .SPA, but Macromedia changed it to FLA.

The format was initially based on the Microsoft Compound File Format or the OLE container format.

oledir Flash4-S01.fla 
oledir 0.54 -
OLE directory entries in file Flash4-S01.fla:
id  |Status|Type   |Name                  |Left |Right|Child|1st Sect|Size  
0   |<Used>|Root   |Root Entry            |-    |-    |1    |5       |4416  
1   |<Used>|Stream |Contents              |2    |-    |-    |6       |4013  
2   |<Used>|Stream |Page 1                |-    |-    |-    |0       |329   
3   |unused|Empty  |                      |-    |-    |-    |0       |0     
id  |Name                        |Size  |CLSID                                 
0   |Root Entry                  |-     |597CAA70-72AA-11CF-831E-524153480000  
1   |Contents                    |4013  |                                      
2   |Page 1                      |329   |   

The FLA format stayed with OLE until Adobe Flash CS5, which the format changed to use a ZIP container to store all the content.

Type = zip
Physical Size = 216632

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2022-07-09 11:57:46 .....           25           25  mimetype
2022-07-09 11:57:46 .....            9            9  Flash5.5-S01.xfl
2022-07-09 11:57:46 D....            0            0  LIBRARY
2022-07-09 11:57:46 D....            0            0  META-INF
2022-07-09 11:57:46 .....        49267         3936  DOMDocument.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         9735         1103  META-INF/metadata.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         8093         2222  PublishSettings.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....            0            0  MobileSettings.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 D....            0            0  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols
2022-07-09 11:57:48 D....            0            0  LIBRARY/Voice
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....       151006       151006  bin/M 1 1252032698.dat
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        99707        15311  LIBRARY/mouth.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        16510         4534  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/A I.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14334         4086  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/C D G K N R S Th Y Z.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14531         4040  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/E.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        15846         4007  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/F V D Th.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        13093         3542  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/L D Th.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         2106          751  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/M B P Closed.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14130         3949  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/O.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        11082         2951  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/Open_Rest.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14847         4066  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/U.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         8139         2202  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/W Q.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        15768         3914  LIBRARY/panda.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        10477         1064  LIBRARY/sample graph.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....          538          538  bin/SymDepend.cache
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2022-07-09 11:57:48             469243       213256  21 files, 4 folders

The move to a ZIP container included a new format, XFL. This XFL file is a simple text file with the text “PROXY-CS5″. In the DOMDocument.xml file we find an XML namespace, xmlns=”” and a version of the XFL structure, xflVersion=”2.1″.

This ZIP compressed FLA file is still being used in the current Adobe Animate software, which no longer uses the flash technology and uses more modern web formats like HTML5 to display the animations.

I took each version and made a PRONOM signature, which you can find here with samples. These container signatures should cover all the major changes for the format, but there is a problem……..

Listing archive: Flash5.5-S01v5.fla

Path = Flash5.5-S01v5.fla
Type = zip
Headers Error
Physical Size = 216581
Embedded Stub Size = 63
Characteristics = Local

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2022-07-09 11:57:46 .....           25           25  mimetype
2022-07-09 11:57:46 D....            0            0  LIBRARY
2022-07-09 11:57:46 D....            0            0  META-INF
2022-07-09 11:57:46 .....        48556         3742  DOMDocument.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        10133         1112  META-INF/metadata.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         8115         2219  PublishSettings.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....            0            0  MobileSettings.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 D....            0            0  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols
2022-07-09 11:57:48 D....            0            0  LIBRARY/Voice
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....       151006       151006  bin/M 1 1252032698.dat
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        99551        15319  LIBRARY/mouth.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        16580         4536  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/A I.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14404         4089  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/C D G K N R S Th Y Z.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14531         4044  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/E.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        15848         4008  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/F V D Th.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        13024         3546  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/L D Th.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         2106          752  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/M B P Closed.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14200         3955  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/O.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        11152         2963  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/Open_Rest.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14777         4069  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/U.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         8287         2228  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/W Q.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        15768         3914  LIBRARY/panda.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        10477         1064  LIBRARY/sample graph.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....          538          538  bin/SymDepend.cache
2022-07-09 11:57:46 .....           25           25  mimetype
2022-07-09 11:58:18 .....            9            9  Flash5.5-S01v5.xfl
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2022-07-09 11:58:18             469112       213163  22 files, 4 folders

Turns out majority of the samples I have from many versions of Adobe Flash after CS5 have a ZIP Header error. When using the new signatures in DROID, the samples with the header errors will fail in the DROID’s zip library processing. The DROID logs shows this issue:

Could not process the potential container format (ZIP): file:///Flash5.5-S01v5.fla	
Expected 25 more entries in the Central Directory!

The Central Directory header in a ZIP file is quite important to the proper function of the ZIP container. Wikipedia has a great explanation of the header. You may notice in the listing above the file “mimetype” is shown twice which is probably the extra entries the parser wasn’t expecting.

So currently the identification of majority of these FLA formats is on hold until a way is discovered to ignore the error and continue the container identification in DROID.


Lets talk TIFF, or Tagged Image File Format. It is well documented and accepted by the community. The format has been around since 1986, first developed by Aldus as a image format for scanners. The TIFF format is now used worldwide as a preferred format for scanning and preservation of cultural heritage objects.

As amazing as the format is, there are a few features of the format which can be a preservation risk. I want to focus on three of those risks.

The Tagged Image File Format has a well known header:

A TIFF file begins with an 8-byte image file header, containing the following
Bytes 0-1: The byte order used within the file. Legal values are:
“II” (4949.H) LSB (IBM)
“MM” (4D4D.H) MSB (Mac)
Bytes 2-3 An arbitrary but carefully chosen number (42).
Bytes 4-7 The offset (in bytes) of the first IFD.

Putting this poster of the TIFF structure in your office will impress your co-workers, guaranteed. Thanks Ange!

The three risks I have been pondering lately are:

  • Multiple IFD’s
  • Metadata
  • DNG format

TIFF version 6.0 was released in 1992 and is the most recent version. Although some vendors are free to add their own private tags. In 1995 Adobe added an addendum which added some additions for use with PageMaker.

One of the main features of the TIFF format is its ability to hold multiple pages. In Adobe’s words:

TIFF has always supported what amounts to a singly linked list of IFD’s in a single TIFF file, via the “next IFD pointer,” though most applications currently ignore any IFD beyond the first one. Probably the best use for a linked list of IFD’s is when you want to store multiple different but related images in the same file—a ‘burst’ of images from a camera, for example.

Adobe PageMaker® 6.0 TIFF Technical Notes

Take note of the highlighted text, software like Adobe Photoshop will ignore any IFD beyond the first one. Even worse, Photoshop won’t even mention there are additional IFD’s. I have used many document scanners which default to multipage TIFF capture and have lost pages because of this. Because of this I have always built my workflows around single page TIFF’s for all scanning and we check against this as a rule.

What also makes this hard is how some capture software uses additional IFD’s. CaptureOne is a popular imaging software used by photographers and cultural heritage institutions. We have used it to connect to our PhaseOne cameras for capture of books and other flat objects. By default the software exports the final TIFF image with a thumbnail.

With the “No Thumbnail” unchecked we get this TIFF structure:

identify _MG_0193.tif 
_MG_0193.tif[0] TIFF 3456x5184 3456x5184+0+0 8-bit sRGB 51.3136MiB 0.030u 0:00.026
_MG_0193.tif[1] TIFF 107x160 107x160+0+0 8-bit sRGB 0.000u 0:00.007

 <IFD1:SubfileType>Reduced-resolution image</IFD1:SubfileType>
 <IFD1:BitsPerSample>8 8 8</IFD1:BitsPerSample>

So Imagemagick identifies two pages 0 and 1 with the second a much smaller resolution than the first. Exiftool reports back IFD0 and IFD1 with IFD1 having a SubfileType of a Reduced-resolution image. Makes sense, it is a thumbnail. In looking at the specifications for TIFF 6.0, I can find no mention of the word “thumbnail”, but the specification does make mention of “reduced resolution” images:

If multiple subfiles are written, the first one must be the full-resolution image. Subsequent images, such as reduced-resolution images, may be in any order in the TIFF file.

The specification also gives us this warning:

TIFF readers must be prepared for multiple images (subfiles) per TIFF file, although they are not required to do anything with images after the first one.

Scary to think about how a reader is not required to do anything, not even warn against multiple IFD’s (Subfiles).

The EXIF specifications seem to expand on this through attributes:

Attribute information can be recorded in 2 IFDs (0th IFD, 1st IFD) following the TIFF structure, including the File Header. The 0th IFD records compressed image attributes (the image itself). The 1st IFD may be used for thumbnail images. 

Page 97 of EXIF Specification

Take a look at the information and Figure 6 on page 21-22 in the EXIF specification.

Adobe early on decided to use their own tags for thumbnail data. Since Photoshop 5, Adobe has stored the thumbnail in Tag 1036.

 1036 Photoshop Thumbnail             : (Binary data 4625 bytes, use -b option to extract)

There is another TIFF structure sometimes used in older FAX compressed multipage TIFFs and now used in the DNG Specification. The SubIFD tag was writable using the libtiff “thumbnail” tool, but is now depreciated. Originally described in the TIFF/EP specification, DNG files use SubIFD trees.

DNG files are often talked about in the same way TIFF files are, and many tools handle both seamlessly. One of the major differences is that DNG files switch their IFD use. IFD0 is often the reduced-resolution thumbnail and SubIFD the full-resolution image.

<IFD0:SubfileType>Reduced-resolution image</IFD0:SubfileType>

<SubIFD:SubfileType>Full-resolution image</SubIFD:SubfileType>

This can cause issues when trying to extract technical metadata from images, knowing which IFD to get the main image details requires a bit of work. I’ll save DNG for another blog post.

TIFF Metadata is a vital part of preservation. The metadata can provide technical properties of the file along with some descriptive information. It amazes me how much the embedded metadata can vary from a scanner or camera capture device. The digitization lab I worked in for years had scanners from Epson, Fujitu, Canon and others. Along with cameras made by Canon, PhaseOne, and Copibooks. Each one with a vastly different set of metadata using different standards. Even when each workflow produced final uncompressed TIFF images, they all varied in metadata.

The TIFF images with the leasT amount of metadata was from the Epson scanners. When using the free Epson Scan software, not a single metadata field was embedded, no dates, scanner model or manufacturer. More was embedded when you used the Silverfast professional software included with each Epson, but even then if you didn’t add any IPTC fields, the metadata was limited.

The most metadata came from the camera systems, especially the PhaseOne/CaptureOne systems. Even though it produced the most and had valuable properties, there were some issues. I already discussed the thumbnail issue, but PhaseOne decided they wanted to change how some of the tags were used.

CaptureOne has quite the list of white balance options. Which is great for the photographer, but not so great for adhering to the TIFF standard.

According to the EXIF TIFF Specification, there are only two values allowed for White Balance, Auto or Manual. A CaptureOne produced TIFF will have this value if Auto or Manual are not chosen:

41987 White Balance                   : Unknown (5)
37384 Light Source                    : Other

The different lighting situations should be identified using the “Light Source” 37384 tag, but alas they chose to add to white balance instead. When I asked about this, they responded that they requested this update to the TIFF spec, but they weren’t willing so they took matters into their own hands. You can read the conversation on the JHOVE issues page.

The TIFF format is very accepted in the Cultural Heritage community as a preferred preservation format. The specification is well understood and documented. I just hope we can continue to openly discuss issues that arise in preservation which add risk to our collections. Some issues are minor compared to others. Sometimes it’s the tools we use to validate formats like TIFF which are wrong and need to be corrected. The talk more about these issues and how to manage them.

Apple Package Format

Let’s talk about Apple’s iWork software. Apple’s Office Suite of applications was first released in 2005 and provided a WordProcessor (Pages), Presentations (Keynote), and a little later, Spreadsheet (Numbers). They are exclusive to the Macintosh and iOS devices.

iWork was released in a few different versions. They get a little confusing as each application has its own version which all seemed to unify and stabilize in 2020. Here is a matrix of major versions.

VersionPackage or ZIP
iWork ’05Package
iWork ’06Package
iWork ’08Package
iWork ’09ZIP
iWork 2013Package
iWork 2014ZIP
iWork 2019ZIP
iWork 2020ZIP

You may already be aware but MacOS can sometimes be weird. I use the term weird in a loving, sometimes proud way, but I admit, there was some “odd” choices made in regards to how applications and documents are used and stored files on a Mac.

On early Macintosh computers Apple used an interesting method of storing resources for applications and some file formats. The Resource Fork for an application contained all the “resources” needed to run in the operating system. It would contain all the icons, warning screens, graphics, sounds, etc. This help true until Mac OS X came along and then Apple started using a bundle or package format. Still in use today, what appears to be a single file or application is actually a folder of all the resources needed to run the application.

Show Package Contents

By right clicking or control clicking on the icon you can open the folder and see all the contents which make up the Application.

Directory listing of on MacOS

Nifty right? The MacOS which knows which extensions to treat as a package. If you were to move the application over to another system it would be a folder with the extension “.app”.

For an application I can see how this makes sense as it will only execute in the MacOS environment. The problem comes in when you use the same package method for the documents the application creates.

Contents of Pages version 1 sample file.

So instead of a single “file” with a bytestream, you get a folder of files which make up the file format. Here is Apple’s description:

Document Packages

If your document file formats are getting too complex to manage because of several disparate types of data, you might consider adopting a package format for your documents. Document packages give the illusion of a single document to users but provide you with flexibility in how you store the document data internally. Especially if you use several different types of standard data formats, such as JPEG, GIF, or XML, document packages make accessing and managing that data much easier.

Apple actually defines two similar methods:

Although bundles and packages are sometimes referred to interchangeably, they actually represent very distinct concepts:

  • package is any directory that the Finder presents to the user as if it were a single file.
  • bundle is a directory with a standardized hierarchical structure that holds executable code and the resources used by that code.

A couple years ago a processed digital collection made its way down to me. It had been processed by a new digital archivist and when I went to prepare the collection for preservation, I found a folder with the extension .pages and inside the folder a whole directory of files. Many of which they had renamed and arranged. Needless to say, I had to track down the original disk so I could properly preserve the file.

So looking back at the earlier table, iWork switched back and forth between the package format and a ZIP container. For preservation purposes, the ZIP container is easier to maintain outside the MacOS. Lets look a little closer at each. If you would like to follow along I have copied a few samples onto a hybrid ISO.

iWork ’05 through iWork ’08 used the same package format and structure. Because they are a package format, they are difficult to preserve as original files. I suppose you could zip them up, but probably the best option is to open with a current version of Pages and save to the newer ZIP container format.

tree iWork08/Keynote-06.key 
├── Contents
│   └── PkgInfo
├── QuickLook
│   └── Thumbnail.jpg
├── index.apxl.gz
└── theme-files
    ├── Blue 2.jpg
    ├── Blue 2.tif
    ├── Cool Gray-2.jpg
    ├── Cool Gray.tif
    ├── Green-8.jpg
    ├── Green.tif
    ├── Headlines_bullet.pdf
    ├── Headlines_star.pdf
    ├── Orange 2.tif
    ├── Orange_2.jpg
    ├── Purple-6.jpg
    ├── Purple.tif
    ├── Red.jpg
    ├── Red.tif
    ├── endpoints.pdf
    └── headlines_hi-res.jpg

iWork ’09 changed this practice. The documents saved from Pages, Keynote, and Numbers were contained in a ZIP file and can be identified using the PRONOM registry container signatures.

filename : 'iWork 2013/Pages2013-Sample09.pages'
filesize : 105900
modified : 2019-11-21T20:36:00-07:00
matches  :
  - ns      : 'pronom'
    id      : 'fmt/1439'
    format  : 'Apple iWork Pages'
    version : '09'
    class   : 'Word Processor'
    basis   : 'extension match pages; container name index.xml with byte match at 195, 76' 
Type = zip
Headers Error
Physical Size = 105900

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2019-11-21 20:36:00 .....       364773        22413  index.xml
2019-11-21 20:36:00 .....         7007         7007  Hardcover_bullet_black.png
2019-11-21 20:36:00 .....        69176        69176  Simple_Noise_2x.jpg
2019-11-21 20:36:00 .....          232          232  buildVersionHistory.plist
2019-11-21 20:36:00 .....         6406         6406  QuickLook/Thumbnail.png
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2019-11-21 20:36:00             447594       105234  5 files

Then Apple went back to a Package format with iWork 2013. For reasons unknown. But the content and structure changed. Its a package format with a instead of index.xml

├── Data
│   └── Hardcover_bullet_black-13.png
├── Metadata
│   ├── BuildVersionHistory.plist
│   ├── DocumentIdentifier
│   └── Properties.plist
├── preview-micro.jpg
├── preview-web.jpg
└── preview.jpg

3 directories, 8 files

The ZIP within the package contains a new Apple format. IWA

Type = zip
Physical Size = 39361

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2019-11-21 20:47:14 .....         3860         3860  Index/Document.iwa
2019-11-21 20:47:14 .....           26           26  Index/Tables/DataList.iwa
2019-11-21 20:47:14 .....          336          336  Index/ViewState.iwa
2019-11-21 20:47:14 .....          160          160  Index/CalculationEngine.iwa
2019-11-21 20:47:14 .....          121          121  Index/DocumentStylesheet.iwa
2019-11-21 20:47:14 .....        31931        31931  Index/ThemeStylesheet.iwa
2019-11-21 20:47:14 .....           22           22  Index/AnnotationAuthorStorage.iwa
2019-11-21 20:47:14 .....         1889         1889  Index/Metadata.iwa
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2019-11-21 20:47:14              38345        38345  8 files

Luckily Apple came to their senses and went back to the ZIP container format for iWork 2014 and later. The container signature looks for the IWA file Apple started using with iWork 2013.

filename : 'iWork 2014/Pages2014-Sample.pages'
filesize : 66256
modified : 2019-11-22T00:03:56-07:00
errors   : 
matches  :
  - ns      : 'pronom'
    id      : 'fmt/1441'
    format  : 'Apple iWork Document'
    version : '14'
    class   : 'Presentation, Spreadsheet, Word Processor'
    basis   : 'extension match pages; container name Index/Document.iwa with byte match at 16, 6; name Metadata/Properties.plist with name only'
Path = iWork 2014/Pages2014-Sample.pages
Type = zip
Physical Size = 66256

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....         3930         3930  Index/Document.iwa
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....          364          364  Index/ViewState.iwa
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....          206          206  Index/CalculationEngine.iwa
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....        33573        33573  Index/DocumentStylesheet.iwa
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....           22           22  Index/AnnotationAuthorStorage.iwa
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....           23           23  Index/DocumentMetadata.iwa
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....         8761         8761  Index/Metadata.iwa
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....          322          322  Metadata/Properties.plist
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....           36           36  Metadata/DocumentIdentifier
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....          273          273  Metadata/BuildVersionHistory.plist
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....        14611        14611  preview.jpg
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....          838          838  preview-micro.jpg
2019-11-22 00:03:54 .....         1571         1571  preview-web.jpg
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2019-11-22 00:03:54              64530        64530  13 files

Now iWork was not the only Apple software to use the Package/Bundle format for their documents. Be advised the following software may save to the package format.

I remember a few years ago, Trent Reznor (NIN) decided to release a few of his tracks in the Garageband format. A little harder to find these days, but the good old wayback machine kept a copy for us! Grab them here. Be warned, they may be in the package format. Thanks Apple!


One of the first PRONOM signatures I submitted was for a format I felt responsible for, considering where I worked. This is the GEDCOM format, which is an acronym for GEnealogical Data COMmunication. At the time I submitted the signature the format hadn’t been updated in years.

Very recently it has seen a renewed interest from those in the Genealogical community. In 2021 the format was renewed with a Version 7 specification with the purpose of simplifying and clarifying the format. In addition a new format was released to handle storing multimedia files in a container called GED-ZIP.

My first attempt at a signature was based on the specification generally, but with the new version released, I thought it might be good to revisit this format and see if we need to make any adjustments. There needs to be a new signature for the GED-ZIP format as well.

The original signature, fmt/851, created for PRONOM is:


It has an offset of 0-3 to account for any Unicode BOM, but starts with “0 HEAD”; this is the required start to a GEDCOM file. The next bits can be a source of the software which created the GEDCOM, using the tag “SOUR” which can also include a version of the software and name and address of the developer. This can take a bit of space so we include 0-1024 bytes for this information. The next tag is the subrecord of HEAD, “GEDC”, then the next subrecord, “VERS”. Most GEDCOM validations will look for HEAD.GEDC.VERS for the version of GEDCOM the file claims to conform with. The hex values, (0D0A|0D|0A), is the hard return accounting for the different systems that could write the GEDCOM.

A minimal GEDCOM version 5.5 would contain the following.

2 VERS 5.5

The end of the file is marked by the tag “TRLR” in reference to a Trailer. I didn’t include this in my initial signature, but probably should have.

GEDCOM files have been around a long time, the first draft was released in 1984, but the GEDCOM structure we see now really didn’t come along until version 3 in 1987, when the format was standardized and made public. The HEAD.GEDC.VERS wasn’t standardized until version 4. You can see the history here.

So moving forward we should probably have a new PUID for Version 3, Version 4, Version 5 and the new Version 7 and leave the existing signature as is.

Version 3 only requires the tags HEAD, SOUR, DEST and the ending TRLR.

BOF 302048454144(0D0A|0D|0A)3120534F5552{0-128}312044455354
EOF 302054524C52

Version 4 requires the HEAD.GEDC.VERS sequence.

BOF 302048454144{0-1024}47454443(0D0A|0D|0A)3220564552532034
EOF 302054524C52

Version 5 is similar.

BOF 302048454144{0-1024}47454443(0D0A|0D|0A)3220564552532035
EOF 302054524C52

Version 7 is also similar.

BOF 302048454144{0-1024}47454443(0D0A|0D|0A)3220564552532037
EOF 302054524C52

For the new GED-ZIP format we need to create a container signature as the format is a ZIP file but with a GEDCOM inside. The GED-ZIP specifications states:

A GEDCOM ZIP file should:
• include exactly one GEDCOM file with the name “gedcom.ged”
• include all the multimedia objects references by that GEDCOM file
• not include unreferenced multimedia objects

Our Container signature would look like this:

<ContainerSignature Id="1000" ContainerType="ZIP">
	 <InternalSignature ID="300">
	  <ByteSequence Reference="BOFoffset">
	    <SubSequence Position="1" SubSeqMinOffset="0" SubSeqMaxOffset="3">
	      <Sequence>30 20 48 45 41 44</Sequence>

I recently learned of a variation on the GEDCOM format which can cause a lot of confusion. The software Family Tree Maker could export to the GEDCOM format, but had a checkbox which, unchecked, allowed you to not abbreviate the tags. The tags in the GEDCOM format are expected just the way they are, which makes me wonder why they would do something so confusing. You can read more about this format here.

I was recently made aware a few of these rouge “GEDCOM” files were out there, in the wild, causing confusion during identification. My first thought was to adjust the signature to make it a little more loose to fit these variations, but then discovered they are not GEDCOM files. In fact later versions of FTM forgot they did this and would error when you tried to import them back into the software. I think it would be wise to identify these FTM GEDCOM variants, just so one is aware of the difference and can then decide how to handle them properly.

The format was named “FTW TEXT”, so we can use that to call the new signature. Instead of “0 HEAD”, “0 HEADER” is used, instead of “0 SOUR”, “0 SOURCE” is used, and instead of “0 TRLR” at the end, “0 TRAILER” is used.

BOF 3020484541444552(0D0A|0D|0A)3120534F55524345
EOF 3020545241494C4552

It was fun to look back at this format and try and improve on it a bit. I learned more than I did when I initially wrote the signature and hopefully documented it well enough. The FTM variant was an interesting twist I was not expecting, which I am sure will show up again in the future. Take a look at the signatures and samples I updated and let me know what you think.

RIS Citation

Up until recently I was working in a Corporate archive preserving all sort of content. The corporation throughout the years used many different software packages to produce all sorts of data. When I moved to an academic library I saw much of the same content, but there was a some new file formats which I needed to document and manage. Many of those come from scholarly journals , theses, dissertation, and data sets for projects.

One format which I came across often but seems to be missing from the standard file format known lists was the RefMan citation format. This format is a simple text based format which serves to standardize citations from scholarly sources. Created by Research Information Systems, the format uses the RIS extension used by Procite and Reference Manager (RefMan). ISI ResearchSoft managed the format for a bit in the 1990’s, this is where you can find most of the specifications.

Now that I am a little more familiar with the format I see it everywhere! Find any scholarly journal and there will usually be a “cite” feature to download the citation in a few formats, RIS being one of the most common.

Example: Theory and Craft of Digital Preservation

It can be called by a few names, mostly based on the systems which support it. You might see Ris (Zotero), or EasyBib, Mendeley, ProCite, Reference Manager, and others. But they all follow the same format.

The format is simple plain text format, there are codes which indicate the different field types and tags. The basic structure would look like this:

AU  - Owens, Trevor 
LA  - eng
PB  - Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore, Maryland
CY  - Baltimore, Maryland
SN  - 9781421426976; 1421426978
PY  - 2018
TI  - The theory and craft of digital preservation
LK  -
ER  - 

The first tag always needed to be “TY” and the last tag “ER”. TY stands for Type of reference and ER stands End of reference.

There is actually two versions of the format, this original specification and a later one which added some header information. You can download the full documentation here.

Provider: The name of the information provider (required)
Database: The name of the database (optional)

Tagformat: Name of the tag format used identify fields (optional)
Content: media type for the body of the file (required)

Creation of a PRONOM signature for this text format is pretty straight forward. Looking for the TY and ER string should be enough to ensure the format doesn’t clash with other text based formats. Text formats are notoriously difficult to identify, but when they have expected patterns it makes it a little easier. I had to add a little buffer at the beginning of the signature to allow for the newer header information, but more samples will be needed to see if this is enough to identify the format in all situations. Take a look and see if it works for you!

Image PAC Files

I wouldn’t be surprised if you have never heard of an Image PAC file. You may know it by the more common name Kodak Photo CD Image. Kodak’s PhotoCD format actually refers to the system and Disc format used to store images for compatibility with other hardware. The Kodak PhotoCD format was pretty advanced for its time, it original purpose was to store scanned 35mm film to a disc which was playable on computers and other hardware. In fact, because it was meant to store 35mm rolls as they were scanned it was the first use of the linked Multi-session CD format made standard by the orange book specification. The format was widely adopted at first, but eventually lost favor and was abandoned by 2004.

The Kodak PhotoCD format was also used on many commercial CD-ROM products. One example was the Corel Professional CD series. Below is a photo of a case of 200 CD’s I recently acquired. Each has around a hundred PCD images and viewing software on disc. Most discs can be viewed here. Or you can view their “Sampler” CD-ROM.

The actual PCD image file format was referred to as an Image PAC File. The format was unique in the fact it has multiple resolutions built into a single file. It also stored the raster data in a format called Photo YCC color encoding metric, developed by Kodak. This requires conversion to RGB for many uses. Adobe Photoshop for many years had an import filter for the format built in which included ICC profiles for properly converting the source to a destination colorspace, but support was dropped in CS3 of their products.

Photoshop Kodak PCD import

The Image PAC PCD format was a proprietary format which Kodak protected aggressively, even to the point of threatening legal action to those who attempted to reverse engineer the format. This frustrated developers and was probably part of the reason the format was abandoned. Of course this didn’t deter some curious developers and was partially reversed engineered and is available in the NetPBM library formally knows as PBMPlus. The tool hpcdtoppm was developed to convert PCD to PBM.

The trick in preserving older obsolete formats is to find a way to first identify them, gather significant properties, then migrate to a modern format if appropriate with minimal loss of data. Luckily most PCD files have the ascii string “PCD_IPI” starting around offset 2048. This is basically how the PRONOM registry identifies the format and has assigned it fmt/211. Exiftool also supports the format in identifying some of the significant properties.

ExifTool Version Number         : 12.62
File Name                       : 136009.PCD
Directory                       : /Users/thorsted/Desktop/blog/Kodak/PCD
File Size                       : 3.6 MB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2023:06:23 10:48:55-06:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2023:06:26 23:43:50-06:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2023:06:27 11:18:38-06:00
File Permissions                : -rwx------
File Type                       : PCD
File Type Extension             : pcd
MIME Type                       : image/x-photo-cd
Specification Version           : 0.6
Authoring Software Release      : 3.0
Image Magnification Descriptor  : 1.0
Create Date                     : 1993:09:20 07:35:34-06:00
Image Medium                    : Color reversal
Product Type                    : 116/01 SPD 0064  #00
Scanner Vendor ID               : KODAK
Scanner Product ID              : FilmScanner 2000
Scanner Firmware Version        : 2.21
Scanner Firmware Date           : 
Scanner Serial Number           : 0296
Scanner Pixel Size              : 0b.30 micrometers
Image Workstation Make          : Eastman Kodak
Character Set                   : 95 characters ISO 646
Photo Finisher Name             : HADWEN GRAPHICS
Scene Balance Algorithm Revision: 3.1
Scene Balance Algorithm Command : Neutral SBA On, Color SBA On
Scene Balance Algorithm Film ID : Unknown (131)
Copyright Status                : Restrictions apply
Copyright File Name             : RIGHTS.USE
Orientation                     : Horizontal (normal)
Image Width                     : 3072
Image Height                    : 2048
Compression Class               : Class 1 - 35mm film; Pictoral hard copy
Image Size                      : 3072x2048
Megapixels                      : 6.3

Exiftool is able to gather much of the important properties including an original creation date and the pixel dimensions. It would be nice if was able to mention each of the resolution options as some later Pro versions of PCD had a 64 base for resolutions of 4096 x 6144.

Migration to a more modern open format is a common preservation strategy. The National Archives and Records Administration has the format NF00224 listed as needing to migrate to JPG, while others prefer migration to TIFF. Others have learned valuable lessons attempting to find the right method for migration. There is a right way and a wrong way as the Center for Digital Archaeology learned. The easiest method is to use the popular ImageMagick command-line tool.

thorsted$ identify 136009.PCD 
136009.PCD PCD 768x512 768x512+0+0 8-bit YCC 3.44727MiB 0.020u 0:00.006
thorsted$ convert 136009.PCD[5] -colorspace sRGB +compress 136009.tif
thorsted$ identify 136009.tif
136009.tif TIFF 3072x2048 3072x2048+0+0 8-bit sRGB 18.0004MiB 0.000u 0:00.000

ImageMagick along with most other tools like IrfranView and XnView only see the base resolution of 768 x 512, but with an extra little addition to the command by adding “[5]” after the filename if forces the conversion to use the “Fifth” 16 Base resolution which is the highest resolution on most PCD files, the Pro versions may have higher. The other issue is the colorspace conversion. It is known there could be a loss of highlights. This webpage illustrates different tools and the issues with highlights. You can see the difference if I use -colorspace RGB instead of sRGB.

ImageMagick conversion using RGB vs sRGB colorspace setting.

Other tools such as the open source pcdtojpeg and paid pcdMagic both work well, but the only tool I have tested so far which keeps the original metadata is pcdMagic.

ExifTool Version Number         : 12.62
File Name                       : 136009_1.tif
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 38 MB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2023:06:27 12:06:26-06:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2023:06:27 12:06:29-06:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2023:06:27 12:06:27-06:00
File Permissions                : -rw-r--r--
File Type                       : TIFF
File Type Extension             : tif
MIME Type                       : image/tiff
Exif Byte Order                 : Little-endian (Intel, II)
Subfile Type                    : Full-resolution image
Image Width                     : 3072
Image Height                    : 2048
Bits Per Sample                 : 16 16 16
Compression                     : Uncompressed
Photometric Interpretation      : RGB
Image Description               : color reversal: Unknown film. SBA settings neutral SBA on, color SBA on
Make                            : KODAK
Camera Model Name               : FilmScanner 2000
Strip Offsets                   : 1622
Samples Per Pixel               : 3
Rows Per Strip                  : 2048
Strip Byte Counts               : 37748736
Planar Configuration            : Chunky
Software                        : pcdMagic V1.4.19
Modify Date                     : 2023:06:27 12:06:26
Copyright                       : Copyright restrictions apply - see copyright file on original CD-ROM for details
Exif Version                    : 0231
Date/Time Original              : 1993:09:20 07:35:34
Create Date                     : 1993:09:20 07:35:34
Offset Time                     : -06:00
User Comment                    : color reversal: Unknown film. SBA settings neutral SBA on, color SBA on
Color Space                     : Uncalibrated
File Source                     : Film Scanner
Profile CMM Type                : Unknown (KCMS)
Profile Version                 : 2.1.0
Profile Class                   : Display Device Profile
Color Space Data                : RGB
Profile Connection Space        : XYZ
Profile Date Time               : 1998:12:01 18:58:21
Profile File Signature          : acsp
Primary Platform                : Microsoft Corporation
CMM Flags                       : Not Embedded, Independent
Device Manufacturer             : Kodak
Device Model                    : ROMM
Device Attributes               : Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color
Rendering Intent                : Perceptual
Connection Space Illuminant     : 0.9642 1 0.82487
Profile Creator                 : Kodak
Profile ID                      : 0
Profile Copyright               : Copyright (c) Eastman Kodak Company, 1999, all rights reserved.
Profile Description             : ProPhoto RGB
Media White Point               : 0.9642 1 0.82489
Red Tone Reproduction Curve     : (Binary data 14 bytes, use -b option to extract)
Green Tone Reproduction Curve   : (Binary data 14 bytes, use -b option to extract)
Blue Tone Reproduction Curve    : (Binary data 14 bytes, use -b option to extract)
Red Matrix Column               : 0.79767 0.28804 0
Green Matrix Column             : 0.13519 0.71188 0
Blue Matrix Column              : 0.03134 9e-05 0.82491
Device Mfg Desc                 : KODAK
Device Model Desc               : Reference Output Medium Metric(ROMM)
Make And Model                  : (Binary data 40 bytes, use -b option to extract)
Image Size                      : 3072x2048
Megapixels                      : 6.3
Modify Date                     : 2023:06:27 12:06:26-06:00

There is a way to convert the PCD to TIF using ImageMagick, then using Exiftool to map some of the metadata over to the new TIFF file. It would look something like this:

exiftool -addtagsfromfile 136009.PCD '-EXIF:DateTimeOriginal<PhotoCD:CreateDate' '-EXIF:CreateDate<PhotoCD:CreateDate' '-ExifIFD:SerialNumber<PhotoCD:ScannerSerialNumber' '-ExifIFD:ExifImageWidth<PhotoCD:ImageWidth' '-ExifIFD:ExifImageHeight<PhotoCD:ImageHeight' '-IFD0:Make<PhotoCD:ScannerVendorID' '-IFD0:Model<PhotoCD:ScannerProductID' '-IFD0:Orientation<PhotoCD:Orientation' '-IFD0:Copyright<PhotoCD:CopyrightStatus' 136009.tif

JPG Structure

If you hadn’t been over to see the posters made by Ange Albertini, head over now. Below is his poster on the JPG image file format. This is the basic JFIF file format, which stands for JPEG File Interchange Format. There are also raw JPEG streams and Exif, Exchangeable Image File Format.

The basic format is pretty straight forward. There is a start of image marker FFD8 some format information, then the raster compressed data, then an end of image marker FFD9. Identification of a JPEG file should be pretty straight forward. Knowing the start and end marker values and then the type of JPEG based on the Application data, can be very specific. That is until some software engineers start playing fast and loose with the format specifications.

A while back I received a JPG file which didn’t identify using the latest PRONOM signature. It’s happened before, some new phones came out and started using a newer version of the exif specification so I submitted an update to PRONOM for JPG’s using exif 2.3 and greater. But also may need to submit another signature soon for the newly released Exif 3.0 specification! But this JPG I received wasn’t a new version, it should have been identified with the current PRONOM signature. It started with FFD8 and when I went to look at the end of the file for the end of image marker FFD9, it wasn’t where I expected it to be.

This JPG file had an additional 9632 bytes after the FFD9 end of image marker. But why? The image rendered just fine in multiple JPG viewers. The only warning from Exiftool was for “Unrecognized MakerNotes”, which is not too uncommon. So I went to the JPG Exif specification.

EOI, Recording this marker is mandatory. It shall be recorded in this position.

But reading a little further we see…..

Moreover, Exif/DCF readers should be implemented to operate without interruption even if certain kinds of data have been recorded after EOI of the primary image defined in the Exif standard. Specifically, unknown data after EOI of the primary image should be skipped. (see section 4.7.1)

So the extra data is allowed by specification. Any readers should ignore or skip any data after the EOI (End of Image). Well that makes identification more difficult. All the PRONOM signatures are based on having the EOI marker at the “End”. Some have allowance for padding, but not enough for the worst offenders……

The image referenced above was created on a Huawei MHA-L29 cameraphone. But since finding this image, I have also found many Samsung phones do the same thing. Here is one from a Samsung SM-G975U1. Much less padding but enough to throw off identification.

Apple iPhones are also not exempt from this “feature” either. When using the MacOS ImageCapture tool with the HEIC format, a bug can add an excessive amount of empty data at the end of the converted JPG file.

So, when it comes to identification, if your JPG files don’t seem to identify correctly, look closer at the end of the file, it may have some “extra” data.

Universal Scene Description

A few years ago I became obsessed with creating 3D models from physical objects. There was an app on my iPhone called 123D Catch by AutoDesk and it allowed you to take a series of photos with your iPhone camera, then combine them to create a 3D Model. This lead me down a path to eventually take a course on Photogrammetry and develop a process for capturing objects in our Museum.

Autodesk eventually discontinued the app and built the technology into their paid products. This is when we started seeing lidar introduced with handheld devices. The first one I tried was using my XBOX360 kinect sensor with the skanect software. The quality was horrible, but was fun to learn about depth sensors and structure from motion. When the iPhone finally came out with lidar sensor it was like Apple had read my mind. I love having the ability to capture objects I find into 3D models. The quality is pretty good, not as good as taking the time to capture image sets for photogrammetry and use tools like Aigisoft metashape, but apps like Scaniverse do a fantastic job. You can check out some of the models I have captured on my Sketchfab page.

With any new technology comes new file formats, and 3D formats are definitely no exception. It seems every software developer has to come up with their own proprietary format leaving the digital preservation folks scrambling to keep up. The DPC and Archivematica published a report a couple years ago and state:

“There are many challenges in preserving 3D data. As well as the complexity of the data itself, there is
a lack of interoperability between the different (often proprietary) systems that are used to create
and manipulate 3D models. Relationships to other data, software and hardware also need to be
captured and managed effectively.”

With my new iPhone in hand I found myself with new file format I was unfamiliar with. Universal Scene Description is a framework to exchanging 3D data between different software developed by Pixar. The relationship between Apple and Pixar goes way back so it was no surprise the Apple iPhone has support built in for this new format and I found myself capturing and sending 3D models to others with an iPhone. The USDZ format is a ZIP package format for containing a USD 3D model and is perfect for sharing and preserving.

There is no current PRONOM signatures for identifying USD formats, so I wanted to look into creating one. This is where I ran into a problem. The current PRONOM signature syntax has no way of properly identifying the USDZ format. Let me explain.

When DROID or Siegfried is used to identify a container format such as USDZ. It will first identify the format as a ZIP file, which technically it is. This triggers the software to then refer to the container signature to see if any patterns from the files internal to the ZIP match to a known format. This is done by pointing to a specific file and a hex pattern or ascii string within the file. In the case of a USDZ the internal structure may look like this:

Listing archive: scaniverse-20210928-113055.usdz

Path = scaniverse-20210928-113055.usdz
Type = zip
Physical Size = 5702256

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2021-09-28 11:47:36 .....       297999       297999  scaniverse-20210928-113055.usdc
2021-09-28 11:47:36 .....      5403849      5403849  0/texgen_0.jpg
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2021-09-28 11:47:36            5701848      5701848  2 files

In this sample file the name of the USDZ is the same name as the internal USDC file. So the name of the USDC is variable and DROID needs a static name and path to look for patterns. The USDZ specification is clear that the only required file inside a USDZ is a USD model, anything else is ancillary and is not always going to be included. Currently the only format used is USDC, but in the future may allow a simple USD or USDA format. In addition, some of the other sample files show a very nested USDC file, making identification even more difficult.

Listing archive: Scan.usdz

Path = Scan.usdz
Type = zip
Physical Size = 19155195
Characteristics = Minor_Extra_ERROR

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2021-03-09 09:22:36 .....     19154773     19154773  /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/EFD09E66-32FB-4B08-8BED-B7E3D78FE1A8/tmp/Scan.usdc
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2021-03-09 09:22:36           19154773     19154773  1 files

The USDZ format is not the only file format which makes identification difficult through variable names and non-static patterns. An issue on GitHub has been raised to address this problem. One potential fix is to use glob patterns as suggested by the amazing Richard Lehane, creator of Siegfried. This way we could use wildcard to ignore the variable names and find any file with an extension of .USDC for example. The USDC file format has a nice 8 byte header “PXR-USDC” which is perfectly suited for identification so our container signature might look like this:

<ContainerSignature Id="1000" ContainerType="ZIP">
  <Description>USDZ 3D Package</Description>
	             <InternalSignature ID="300">
	                 <ByteSequence Reference="BOFoffset">
	                     <SubSequence Position="1" SubSeqMinOffset="0" SubSeqMaxOffset="0">
	                         <Sequence>50 58 52 2D 55 53 44 43</Sequence>

Update: I was able to get a beta version of Siegfried working with my test signature.

siegfried   : 1.11.0
scandate    : 2023-06-02T08:54:27-06:00
signature   : default.sig
created     : 2023-06-02T08:52:33-06:00
identifiers : 
  - name    : 'pronom'
    details : 'DROID_SignatureFile_V112.xml; container-signature-20230510.xml; extensions: usdz-signature-file-v1.xml; container extensions: usdz-dev1-signaturefile-20230601.xml'
filename : 'scaniverse-20210928-113055.usdz'
filesize : 5702256
modified : 2021-09-28T11:47:37-06:00
errors   : 
matches  :
  - ns      : 'pronom'
    id      : 'BYUdev/1'
    format  : 'USDZ 3D Package'
    version : 
    mime    : 'model/vnd.usdz+zip'
    class   : 
    basis   : 'extension match usdz; container name scaniverse-20210928-113055.usdc with byte match at 0, 8 (signature 1/2)'
    warning : 

I am still in the process of testing some beta versions of Siegfried in hopes of getting the glob matching to work, but still have more to do. Stay tuned!

Embedded WAVE, thanks HP 👋

Digital Preservation is all about identifying risks. This is done through a process which includes identification, validation, and metadata extraction. The more you know about the digital data you need to preserve over time, the more you can do to minimize those risks with the goal of making the data accessible over time.

Many formats are pretty straight forward, they are identifiable through a header and then have some binary bits or plain text that is readable by certain software. Others are more complicated. A common practice for more complex needs is to use a container. Word processing programs started out with plain text with maybe some formatting codes mixed in, then many moved to the Microsoft OLE container so you could have additional content embedded in a single file. Today file formats such as DOCX use a ZIP container, which houses all the text, images, formatting and anything else the format supports. Knowing what the format is and knowing what it may contain is important to preservation.


I collect older digital cameras, specifically cameras with unique file formats, raw and otherwise. When I picked up a HP (Hewlett-Packard) point and shoot camera awhile back, I was initially unimpressed as it would only capture in a JPEG format and only 3 quality settings. While looking at a copy of the manual, I saw the camera was capable of capturing audio clips or voice memos for each photo taken. This can be handy when taking many photos and need a reminder about the context. This was not unique to HP, as many cameras could do this, normally a JPG was captured and the Audio would have the same name connecting the two. But when I recorded some audio on my little HP, placed the SD card in my computer, I couldn’t find the additional audio file. I also not the only one to ask about this.

There are many types of JPG files. Raw Streams, JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF), and Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF). Normally these formats have raster image data sprinkled with metadata. I have seen JPEG files embedded into other formats and containers, such as MP3, PDF, etc, but JPEG’s are not container formats. Or so I thought…..

View of HP Photosmart 433 folder in HP Photo & Imaging Gallery

Lets take a look at an image I took with my HP Photosmart 433. We’ll start with identification:

siegfried   : 1.10.1
scandate    : 2023-05-25T12:27:04-06:00
signature   : default.sig
created     : 2023-05-22T08:43:02-06:00
identifiers : 
  - name    : 'pronom'
    details : 'DROID_SignatureFile_V112.xml; container-signature-20230510.xml'
filename : 'GitHub/digicam_corpus/HP/Photosmart 433/IM000959.JPG'
filesize : 178922
modified : 2023-05-25T11:23:32-06:00
errors   : 
matches  :
  - ns      : 'pronom'
    id      : 'x-fmt/391'
    format  : 'Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed)'
    version : '2.2'
    mime    : 'image/jpeg'
    class   : 'Image (Raster)'
    basis   : 'extension match jpg; byte match at [[0 16] [366 12] [178907 2]] (signature 2/2)'
    warning : 

IM000959.JPG was identified as x-fmt/391 which is a compressed Exchangeable Image File Format. version 2.2. Pretty straight forward. Next lets look at validation:

Jhove (Rel. 1.28.0, 2023-05-18)
 Date: 2023-05-25 12:35:16 MDT
 RepresentationInformation: GitHub/digicam_corpus/HP/Photosmart 433/IM000959.JPG
  ReportingModule: JPEG-hul, Rel. 1.5.4 (2023-03-16)
  LastModified: 2023-05-25 11:23:32 MDT
  Size: 178922
  Format: JPEG
  Status: Well-Formed and valid
  ErrorMessage: Tag 41492 out of sequence
   Offset: 606
  MIMEtype: image/jpeg
   CompressionType: Huffman coding, Baseline DCT
    Number: 1
      FormatName: image/jpeg
      ByteOrder: big_endian
      CompressionScheme: JPEG
      ImageWidth: 640
      ImageHeight: 480
      ColorSpace: YCbCr
      DateTimeCreated: 2021-11-16T09:04:04
      ScannerManufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
      ScannerModelName: hp PhotoSmart 43x series
      DigitalCameraManufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
      DigitalCameraModelName: hp PhotoSmart 43x series
      FNumber: 4
      ExifVersion: 0220
      FlashpixVersion: 0100
      ColorSpace: sRGB
      ComponentsConfiguration: 1, 2, 3, 0
      CompressedBitsPerPixel: 1.568
      PixelXDimension: 640
      PixelYDimension: 480
      MakerNote: 0, 97, 48, 101, 114, 32, 78, 111, 116, 101, 115, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      DateTimeOriginal: 2021:11:16 09:04:04
      DateTimeDigitized: 2021:11:16 09:04:04
   ApplicationSegments: APP1, APP2, APP2, APP2, APP2, APP2, APP2, APP2, APP2, APP2, APP2, APP2, APP2, APP2, APP2, APP2

I removed a few lines to show important parts, but we get some similar information about the format, a JPEG with EXIF version 2.2. We also learn that HP improperly ordered their tags and put Tag 41492 out of sequence, but we can ignore that for now. Looking close at the output does not give us any indication of audio formats. There is a clue when we see the mention of a Flashpix version and additional Application Segments.

Since this is an image with EXIF data, lets also take a look at the output of Exiftool.

ExifTool Version Number         : 12.62
File Name                       : IM000959.JPG
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 179 kB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2023:05:25 11:23:32-06:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2023:05:25 11:24:42-06:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2023:05:25 11:24:39-06:00
File Permissions                : -rwxr-xr-x
File Type                       : JPEG
File Type Extension             : jpg
MIME Type                       : image/jpeg
Exif Byte Order                 : Little-endian (Intel, II)
Image Description               : IM000959.JPG
Make                            : Hewlett-Packard
Camera Model Name               : hp PhotoSmart 43x series
Orientation                     : Horizontal (normal)
X Resolution                    : 72
Y Resolution                    : 72
Resolution Unit                 : inches
Software                        : 1.400
Modify Date                     : 2021:11:16 09:04:04
Y Cb Cr Positioning             : Co-sited
Copyright                       : Copyright 2002-2003
Exposure Time                   : 1/29
F Number                        : 4.0
ISO                             : 100
Exif Version                    : 0220
Date/Time Original              : 2021:11:16 09:04:04
Create Date                     : 2021:11:16 09:04:04
Components Configuration        : Y, Cb, Cr, -
Compressed Bits Per Pixel       : 1.567552083
Shutter Speed Value             : 1/30
Aperture Value                  : 4.0
Exposure Compensation           : 0
Max Aperture Value              : 4.0
Subject Distance                : 1 m
Metering Mode                   : Average
Light Source                    : Unknown
Flash                           : Auto, Did not fire
Focal Length                    : 5.7 mm
Warning                         : [minor] Unrecognized MakerNotes
Flashpix Version                : 0100
Color Space                     : sRGB
Exif Image Width                : 640
Exif Image Height               : 480
Interoperability Index          : R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB)
Interoperability Version        : 0100
Digital Zoom Ratio              : 1
Subject Location                : 0
Compression                     : JPEG (old-style)
Thumbnail Offset                : 2046
Thumbnail Length                : 7112
Code Page                       : Unicode UTF-16, little endian
Used Extension Numbers          : 1, 31
Extension Name                  : Audio
Extension Class ID              : 10000100-6FC0-11D0-BD01-00609719A180
Extension Persistence           : Always Valid
Audio Stream                    : (Binary data 117820 bytes, use -b option to extract)
Image Width                     : 640
Image Height                    : 480
Encoding Process                : Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
Bits Per Sample                 : 8
Color Components                : 3
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling            : YCbCr4:2:2 (2 1)
Aperture                        : 4.0
Image Size                      : 640x480
Megapixels                      : 0.307
Shutter Speed                   : 1/29
Thumbnail Image                 : (Binary data 7112 bytes, use -b option to extract)
Focal Length                    : 5.7 mm
Light Value                     : 8.9

Ohh, what do we have here? Exiftool mentions an audio stream. An audio stream inside the JPEG? How is this possible? The Flashpix format was originally developed by Kodak in which collaborated with HP. This was later added to the EXIF specifications. Below is an screenshot from the Exif Version 2.2 spec.

Exiftool mentioned Flashpix and additional APP2 segments. Lets take a look at the raw file in a hex editor.

Ahhh….. In one of the App2 segments we can see something familiar. A RIFF WAVE header! Lets see if we can extract the WAVE file.

exiftool -b -AudioStream IM000959.JPG > IM000959.WAV

mediainfo IM000959.WAV
Complete name                            : IM000959.WAV
Format                                   : Wave
Format settings                          : WaveFormatEx
File size                                : 115 KiB
Duration                                 : 10 s 681 ms
Overall bit rate mode                    : Constant
Overall bit rate                         : 88.2 kb/s

Format                                   : ADPCM
Codec ID                                 : 11
Codec ID/Hint                            : Intel
Duration                                 : 10 s 681 ms
Bit rate mode                            : Constant
Bit rate                                 : 88.2 kb/s
Channel(s)                               : 1 channel
Sampling rate                            : 22.05 kHz
Bit depth                                : 4 bits
Stream size                              : 115 KiB (100%)

MediaInfo can give us details on the embedded WAVE file, which is pretty terrible quality but is a PCM audio stream.

Embedded audio inside a raster image is not common. Most software which can render a JPEG image will most likely ignore the embedded WAVE and not even give a warning it exists. IM000959.JPG opens fine in Adobe Photoshop, but saving to a new format or making any edits will delete the WAVE file. Imagemagick also will remove the WAVE with any editing with no warning.

In order to ensure the embedded audio stream is preserved we first need to know it is there, this is where tools like exiftool can be used to extract metadata from the file and the image can be associated with having an audio stream and handled differently than any other JPEG file. More work is needed, Exiftool may mention an Audio Stream, but currently does not have the ability to pull any data from the stream.