Gone in a Flash

This week I am at the annual iPres digital preservation conference. It is an amazing week of meeting colleagues and old friends who share the same passion of digital preservation. Outside of this community and my co-workers, talking about file formats and digital preservation usually bores people to death and I can hear some of them mumble under their breath, “nerd”! I term I am happy to accept.

At the conference, which is in lovely Urbana-Champaign Illinois this year, I am trying to soak in all the amazing talks and conversations about the challenges facing our work. There were a couple great workshops on Persistent Identifiers and Digital Object Storage Criteria. The presentations I made were of course on File Formats, documentation, and obsolescence. One talk before my panel conversation was about the ubiquitous Adobe Flash format.

The paper, “Around for Decades, Gone in a Flash: How we dealt with Flash objects and the National Archives of the Netherlands” was presented by Lotte Wijsman and Marin Rappard. They knew they had flash objects in their web archives and wanted to go through the process of how they might be preserved and accessed. They started out looking for any files with “FLA”, “SWF”, and “FLV” as extensions. This proved problematic as there were references to those extensions within other documents and objects. They then used DROID to identify the flash formats. “SWF” has quite a number of format PUID’s.

PUIDFormat NameFormat VersionExtension
fmt/104Macromedia Flash1swf,
fmt/105Macromedia Flash2swf,
fmt/106Macromedia Flash3swf,
fmt/107Macromedia Flash4swf,
fmt/108Macromedia Flash5swf,
fmt/109Macromedia Flash6swf,
fmt/110Macromedia Flash7swf,
fmt/505Adobe Flash8swf,
fmt/506Adobe Flash9swf,
fmt/507Adobe Flash10swf,
fmt/757Adobe Flash11swf,
fmt/758Adobe Flash12swf,
fmt/759Adobe Flash13swf,
fmt/760Adobe Flash14swf,
fmt/761Adobe Flash15swf,
fmt/762Adobe Flash16swf,
fmt/763Adobe Flash17swf,
fmt/764Adobe Flash18swf,
fmt/765Adobe Flash19swf,
fmt/766Adobe Flash20swf,
fmt/767Adobe Flash21swf,
fmt/768Adobe Flash22swf,
fmt/769Adobe Flash23swf,
fmt/770Adobe Flash24swf,
fmt/771Adobe Flash25swf,
fmt/772Adobe Flash26swf,
fmt/773Adobe Flash27swf,
fmt/774Adobe Flash28swf,
fmt/775Adobe Flash29swf,
fmt/776Adobe Flash30swf,

Even the Macromedia/Adobe Flash Video format has a PRONOM PUID, x-fmt/382.

The format missing from PRONOM is the FLA format. FLA is the native format for Macromedia/Adobe Flash for saving the source project of your Flash document. SWF files are compiled from the FLA source. This means the the SWF will be the most common format found on the web and in public places, but the FLA format might be more often found on local drives and working folders.

The Flash format and software was actually created by Future Wave software in 1996 as FutureSplash Animator, but was shortly bought by Macromedia later that year and Flash 1.0 was born. FutureSplash used the extension .SPA, but Macromedia changed it to FLA.

The format was initially based on the Microsoft Compound File Format or the OLE container format.

oledir Flash4-S01.fla 
oledir 0.54 - http://decalage.info/python/oletools
OLE directory entries in file Flash4-S01.fla:
id  |Status|Type   |Name                  |Left |Right|Child|1st Sect|Size  
0   |<Used>|Root   |Root Entry            |-    |-    |1    |5       |4416  
1   |<Used>|Stream |Contents              |2    |-    |-    |6       |4013  
2   |<Used>|Stream |Page 1                |-    |-    |-    |0       |329   
3   |unused|Empty  |                      |-    |-    |-    |0       |0     
id  |Name                        |Size  |CLSID                                 
0   |Root Entry                  |-     |597CAA70-72AA-11CF-831E-524153480000  
1   |Contents                    |4013  |                                      
2   |Page 1                      |329   |   

The FLA format stayed with OLE until Adobe Flash CS5, which the format changed to use a ZIP container to store all the content.

Type = zip
Physical Size = 216632

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2022-07-09 11:57:46 .....           25           25  mimetype
2022-07-09 11:57:46 .....            9            9  Flash5.5-S01.xfl
2022-07-09 11:57:46 D....            0            0  LIBRARY
2022-07-09 11:57:46 D....            0            0  META-INF
2022-07-09 11:57:46 .....        49267         3936  DOMDocument.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         9735         1103  META-INF/metadata.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         8093         2222  PublishSettings.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....            0            0  MobileSettings.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 D....            0            0  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols
2022-07-09 11:57:48 D....            0            0  LIBRARY/Voice
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....       151006       151006  bin/M 1 1252032698.dat
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        99707        15311  LIBRARY/mouth.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        16510         4534  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/A I.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14334         4086  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/C D G K N R S Th Y Z.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14531         4040  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/E.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        15846         4007  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/F V D Th.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        13093         3542  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/L D Th.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         2106          751  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/M B P Closed.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14130         3949  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/O.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        11082         2951  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/Open_Rest.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14847         4066  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/U.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         8139         2202  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/W Q.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        15768         3914  LIBRARY/panda.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        10477         1064  LIBRARY/sample graph.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....          538          538  bin/SymDepend.cache
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2022-07-09 11:57:48             469243       213256  21 files, 4 folders

The move to a ZIP container included a new format, XFL. This XFL file is a simple text file with the text “PROXY-CS5″. In the DOMDocument.xml file we find an XML namespace, xmlns=”http://ns.adobe.com/xfl/2008/” and a version of the XFL structure, xflVersion=”2.1″.

This ZIP compressed FLA file is still being used in the current Adobe Animate software, which no longer uses the flash technology and uses more modern web formats like HTML5 to display the animations.

I took each version and made a PRONOM signature, which you can find here with samples. These container signatures should cover all the major changes for the format, but there is a problem……..

Listing archive: Flash5.5-S01v5.fla

Path = Flash5.5-S01v5.fla
Type = zip
Headers Error
Physical Size = 216581
Embedded Stub Size = 63
Characteristics = Local

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2022-07-09 11:57:46 .....           25           25  mimetype
2022-07-09 11:57:46 D....            0            0  LIBRARY
2022-07-09 11:57:46 D....            0            0  META-INF
2022-07-09 11:57:46 .....        48556         3742  DOMDocument.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        10133         1112  META-INF/metadata.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         8115         2219  PublishSettings.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....            0            0  MobileSettings.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 D....            0            0  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols
2022-07-09 11:57:48 D....            0            0  LIBRARY/Voice
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....       151006       151006  bin/M 1 1252032698.dat
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        99551        15319  LIBRARY/mouth.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        16580         4536  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/A I.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14404         4089  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/C D G K N R S Th Y Z.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14531         4044  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/E.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        15848         4008  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/F V D Th.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        13024         3546  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/L D Th.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         2106          752  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/M B P Closed.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14200         3955  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/O.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        11152         2963  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/Open_Rest.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        14777         4069  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/U.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....         8287         2228  LIBRARY/Mouth shape graphic symbols/W Q.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        15768         3914  LIBRARY/panda.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....        10477         1064  LIBRARY/sample graph.xml
2022-07-09 11:57:48 .....          538          538  bin/SymDepend.cache
2022-07-09 11:57:46 .....           25           25  mimetype
2022-07-09 11:58:18 .....            9            9  Flash5.5-S01v5.xfl
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2022-07-09 11:58:18             469112       213163  22 files, 4 folders

Turns out majority of the samples I have from many versions of Adobe Flash after CS5 have a ZIP Header error. When using the new signatures in DROID, the samples with the header errors will fail in the DROID’s zip library processing. The DROID logs shows this issue:

Could not process the potential container format (ZIP): file:///Flash5.5-S01v5.fla	
Expected 25 more entries in the Central Directory!

The Central Directory header in a ZIP file is quite important to the proper function of the ZIP container. Wikipedia has a great explanation of the header. You may notice in the listing above the file “mimetype” is shown twice which is probably the extra entries the parser wasn’t expecting.

So currently the identification of majority of these FLA formats is on hold until a way is discovered to ignore the error and continue the container identification in DROID.

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